Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The best creation of GOD

the best creation of GOD

hi guys today my head was heavy with some words which had to be put down somewhere..so I decided to let the keys do the talking..hope you all like it…I know its long but hey..its about us …March 8th is International Woman’s Day… good… if left to me I would celebrate each and every day, each and every hour, every minute and every second as woman’s day..I am not being a feminist here but I feel women celebrate life, love n passion… we are symbols of beauty, courage, sacrifice, love, compassion…and my dear friend told me  that in china people believe that women hold half of the sky…maybe God holds the other half… and men? Ahh...they would be skectching out blue prints and designing sky-crash resistant buildings just in case we decide to let go you know…don’t worry guys…u can trust us…and I forgot amongst all the very few qualities which I mentioned above, a woman also has brains…beauty with brains and much more…I need not prove anything or ask anyone to emphasise the point as we women know what stuff we are made of.
Women’s day is a day to celebrate womanhood…to celebrate women…the most beautiful n perfect creations of God…and I am not talking about vital statistics here…I am proud being a granddaughter, a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mom and a friend to my friends…and trust me being a woman is so beautiful and sensitive…Today’s woman is confident, there’s a bold stride in her steps, her head held high…but the smile and warmth in her eyes in place..she marches out to conquer the world..she knows what she wants and has the capacity to realise her dreams and fulfil them….As a woman…she is always caring and sacrificing…when she argues with her dad..she knows she must be hurting him somewhere…as she fights with her brother she is waiting for the next moment to tell him that she loves him so much…as she tries to put across her point  to her husband, she is more worried about his health than anything else…as she scolds her son…her heart is bleeding inside and she is just waiting to take him in her arms and say its ok..but she knows she has to balance love and life..lessons have to be learnt..she is training a citizen in her son. She wishes that the world would be a much better place for her family and friends…this I feel is the stuff a woman is made of…always putting others before herYou ask any woman what she wants she will say let my family and friends be safe…the first concern…the first wishes are always for others…I am not asking anybody again to certify us..just try to understand us better and try to respect us and love us..thats all we want..dont we?On woman’s day lets celebrate womanhood, celebrate life and celebrate us…three cheers to women…the queens of the world..and till then men I ll try to ask google when is men’s day..you can continue with your blue prints till then…lunch is on ur way!!!!heheheh 

Shilpa kulkarni